Vincent Poon :: The Village Itself...
Having enjoyed such "marvelous" actings during the boat cruise, it is finally time for some walking myself. Once you disembarked at the entrance of the village, you will be greeted by an english-speaking guide (can speak english that can be understood) who would take you through all the musuems around the village.

The most impressive I must say is the Tomb of Tutankhamen. As they say, 'In the valley of the kings, you only see the empty tomb. In the Egyptian Museum, you only see the contents of the tomb. But in here, you see them all, shown exactly as they were found by Howard Carter in 1922'....
Visits: 577 times
Last changed: Jul 11, 2007
27 items in this album
The Village Temple... wait a minute, doesn't it look like the Temple of Karnak?
The shrine inside the temple.
A bowl? A wash basin? A masterpiece by Leonardo? No it is an ancient Egyptian clock
The wife in the Nobleman's house. (There is also a peasant's house nearby)
The Village Temple... wait a minute, doesn't it look like the Temple of Karnak?
The shrine inside the temple.
A bowl? A wash basin? A masterpiece by Leonardo? No it is an ancient Egyptian clock
The wife in the Nobleman's house. (There is also a peasant's house nearby)
The Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs explained..
The poor man in the peasant's house is trying to light a fire!
And I reckon he is a magician in disguise since he can light up a fire within 3 seconds of rubbing. (actually he had some gunpowder on the wood already)
The Bazaar is selling all the hand-made handicrafts. E.g. perfume bottle making, copper etching, etc.. it is quite impressive.
The Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs explained..
The poor man in the peasant's house is trying to light a fire!
And I reckon he is a magician in disguise since he can light up a fire within 3 seconds of rubbing. (actually he had some gunpowder on the wood already)
The Bazaar is selling all the hand-made handicrafts. E.g. perfume bottle making, copper etching, etc.. it is quite impressive.
Tomb of Tutankhamen - The Antechamber: The first room you see once you enter... looks more like a storeroom to me.
Tomb of Tutankhamen - The Antechamber: There are two life-size statues of Tutankhamun guarding the entrance to the burial chamber.
Tomb of Tutankhamen - The Burial Chamber. This is the door of the first shrine.
Tomb of Tutankhamen - The Burial Chamber from above. Inside there are 4 shrines, one inside of the other. The inner most shrine contains a The four shrines enclosed a stone sarcophagus, which has 3 more sarcophagus inside. The inner-most sarcophagus was made of gold and weighed 110 kgs.
Tomb of Tutankhamen - The Antechamber: The first room you see once you enter... looks more like a storeroom to me.
Tomb of Tutankhamen - The Antechamber: There are two life-size statues of Tutankhamun guarding the entrance to the burial chamber.
Tomb of Tutankhamen - The Burial Chamber. This is the door of the first shrine.
Tomb of Tutankhamen - The Burial Chamber from above. Inside there are 4 shrines, one inside of the other. The inner most shrine contains a The four shrines enclosed a stone sarcophagus, which has 3 more sarcophagus inside. The inner-most sarcophagus was made of gold and weighed 110 kgs.
Tomb of Tutankhamen - The Treasury: This room contained some of the richest pieces in the tomb. The cube is the gilded canopic shrine decorated with scared cobras and sun-disks, with round the sides the four goddesses, Isis, Nephthys, Neith and Selket, who are stretching out their arms to protect the royal viscera (ie the four organs of the King)
Coptic Cairo museum
Museum of Pyramid building: how a obelisk is erected.
Museum of Pyramid building: how a step pyramid is built.
Tomb of Tutankhamen - The Treasury: This room contained some of the richest pieces in the tomb. The cube is the gilded canopic shrine decorated with scared cobras and sun-disks, with round the sides the four goddesses, Isis, Nephthys, Neith and Selket, who are stretching out their arms to protect the royal viscera (ie the four organs of the King)
Coptic Cairo museum
Museum of Pyramid building: how a obelisk is erected.
Museum of Pyramid building: how a step pyramid is built.
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