Vincent Poon :: Egypt 2007
14th - 30th Apr

Visited areas include Cairo, Black and White Desert, Aswan, Abu Simbel, Kom Ombo, Edfu, Luxor, Alexandria, Sharm el-Sheikh

From sand to sea; from temples to chapels to mosques; from the peaceful dead mummies to the annoying living Egyptian merchants; from camels to cruises to Crazy Taxis...Egypt, I'm lovin' it!
Visits: 2255 times
Last changed: Aug 01, 2007
16 items in this album
Ibrahim, minarets and domes of the Citadel
Eye of Horus*? Rather it looks like the Eye of Annibus the Jackal....   

*One eye of the Sky God Horus is the sun and the other is the moon.
The roof of a restaurant on the Corniche el-Nil
Album: Cairo (14-15, 18, 27-29th Apr 2007)
If you have been detained by the immigration for over half an hour, being annoyed by those persistent, "friendly" con-artists and nearly got killed by hundreds of moving vehicles, then you probably wouldn't say anything nice about this place...
In fact, Cairo offers much more than these; it is one of those cities you will both love and hate...From the moment you arrive, you would want to leave immediately; but from the moment you board the plane, you would start to miss it again!

Changed: Aug 01, 2007.
Contains: 4 items.
Album: Black & White Desert (16th - 17th Apr 2007)
My first ever wild camping experience was spent on this 2 days 1 night camping tour at the white desert. It was a trip with many memorable experiences: Enjoyed the starry starry night, the sunset and the sunrise; had some real BBQ chicken; missed a desert fox; slept with an Egyptian scarab; battled with flies over breakfast; and finally a sandstorm to conclude the trip.

Changed: Jul 16, 2007.
Contains: 48 items.
Album: Aswan (18th - 20th Apr 2007)
Besides Luxor and Cairo, Aswan is the last of the three must-go places when visiting Egypt. For many people, they come to Aswan only as a transit stop to Abu Simbel. But Aswan is much more than that.. it is really a combination of the Nile, the Feluccas and the atmosphere here that shine.

Changed: Jun 10, 2007.
Contains: 3 items.
Album: Abu Simbel (19th Apr 2007)
I had spent over HK$1000, others spent over 7 hours of their time.. either way, we only had one purpose: The Great Temple of Abu Simbel.

Originally flooded by the Lake Nasser after the reconstruction of the high dam, the whole temple was relocated by the UNESCO team bits by bits to an artificial cliff 210m from its original positon. The temple is really a show-off by King Ramses II... but it really is an impressive show-off... If you have the money or the time, this is one of the must see in Egypt!

Changed: Jul 16, 2007.
Contains: 24 items.
The Temple of Kom Ombo is actually a dual temple of Sobek and Haroeris. As you can see, there are twin entrances on the left and the right.
The falcon statue in front of Outer Hypostyle Hall
Ninth Pylon
Boats were just lying on the beach of the Eastern Harbour
Album: Kom Ombo (21st Apr 2007)
The only one thing worth visiting here is the temple of Kom Ombo. Originally built by Ptolemy VI at around 1 BC, it was a dual temple dedicated to the god of Sobek (the crocodile) and Haroeris (the vulture). The temple is unusual in that everything is replicated and perfectly symmetrical along the main axis. There are twin entrances, twin courts, twin colonnades, twin hypostyle halls and twin sanctuaries, all in one entity.

For me, this temple trip was the most relaxing. The ship just docked right at the entrance of the temple. Only a 5-minute walk to the temple. The temple was fairly small so within 1 hour I was back inside the air-conditioned cabin drinking Coke... ain't I spoiled or not? ;P

Changed: Jul 16, 2007.
Contains: 21 items.
Album: Edfu (21st Apr 2007)
This town is known for its best preserved Ptolemaic Temple of Horus. It was built between 237 BC to 57 BC, and is the 2nd largest temple in Egypt (just after Karnak)... It is dedicated to Horus the falcon god, who is definitely one of the most famous Egyptian gods around. 


Changed: Jul 16, 2007.
Contains: 24 items.
Album: Luxor (22nd - 23rd Apr 2007)
Luxor, or perhaps more well-known with the name Thebes, was the ancient capital of Egypt for the new kingdom (1550-1069 BC). Today many people still come to visit Luxor, but only for the histories and glories of the past. To me, Luxor was the hottest place ever in my entire trip and so I'm afraid Dr. Indiana Poon would give these marvelous monuments, tombs and temples a bye.

Changed: Jun 23, 2007.
Contains: 6 items.
Album: Alexandria (24th - 25th Apr 2007)
It was founded by Alexander the Great;
It was the site of one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world;
It was ruled by the famous Cleopatra VI and ...
It was also home to the Ancient Great Library...

Today, this ancient Alexandria is no more. Instead I found a city with a beautiful harbour, and with beautiful occupants in the library studying, in the sea fishing, or sitting in the corniche vowing their love to each other... I did not find a historical Alexandria, instead I found a beautiful Alexandria.

Changed: Jul 16, 2007.
Contains: 60 items.
Most interesting fish I have seen in the entire trip!
Ramses II's famous battle: Battle of Kadesh
The full panoramic view of the Giza pyramids
View of the mosque from the tourist police office in Citadel.
Album: Sharm El-Sheikh (25th - 27th Apr 2007)
The only reason I flew all the way to the other side of Egypt was only because of its surrounding water. The Red Sea.

Mount Sinai? Moses? Well, I would visit you next time..

Changed: May 14, 2007.
Contains: 3 items.
Album: The Pharaonic Village (27th Apr 2007)
Originally built by Dr. Hassan Ragab, (the person who reinvented how to make papyrus) this haven is really a place to let people know about the Egyptian culture and history. It is quite comprehensive though you definitely won't be lost in astonishment. If you have only got time to go to Cairo in Egypt, maybe it is also a good idea to check this place out... For those who have done the real tour and have seen the real stuff, this can be quite a joke :)

Changed: Jul 12, 2007.
Contains: 3 items.
Album: The Pyramids (28th Apr 2007)
Those who visit Egypt for the first time will definitely not leave until they have met the deadly gaze of the Sphinx or touched the golden stone of the giant Toblerone...
... and once you are done with in Giza, Saqqara and Memphis are also worth checking out... and of course Dahshur as well if you have time...

Changed: Aug 01, 2007.
Contains: 3 items.
Album: Mosques!
Mosques are really architectures built upon geometries: they come with circular domes, oval-shaped arches, rectangular or square courtyards, hexagonal fountains, spiral or cylindrical minarets... Excluding the religious implications of these buildings, they really worth the time to visit! Besides, Egypt is one of the Islam countries where it contains so many different varieties and what's more, non-muslims like me are allowed to go inside... (well, into most of them)

Changed: Jul 08, 2007.
Contains: 5 items.
Lunch@cafe in Citadel, Cairo. 15-Apr.
Meat Kofta & chips. LE37
Comment: They really wanted to stuff me to death with all these bread! (which I didn't ask for)
The Entrances of Emilio are on both sides of the ship
This is the exterior of the sleeping train, shocking, heh?
The team: David, Jamie and Alex
Album: "The Best Food is that which fills the belly!"
For those ppl who are going to bring instant noodles to Egypt really have to think twice! 
Egyptian Food has got more varieties than you think. (No, it does not include curry.. sorry, this is not India) The price is cheap and the taste is exotic... sometimes the Egyptian Gourment will even give you some surprises. Just remember to bring the Imodium(R) along.


Changed: Jul 08, 2007.
Contains: 66 items.
Album: Domina Prestige Emilio (20th - 23rd Apr 2007)
Emilio is a 5-star superior cruise boat, with 72 m long and 14.2m wide. It carried me from Aswan to Luxor in this 4 days/3 nights cruise. This was one of the most luxurious moment in my entire trip! Not only did I get to enjoy the Nile view in an air-conditioned cabin with a glass of icy coke, I could also laze around, eat, sleep, sunbathe & swim while the ship carried me to my destination.

So the verdict? just like what Mr. Chow Yun Fat would say in the Crown Casino advert...  "What a question?!"

Changed: Jul 16, 2007.
Contains: 57 items.
Album: Sleeping Train (23rd - 24th Apr 2007)
When I first heard of the sleeping train, the image of the Orient Express first came to my mind. "...You have your own wash basin, all your meals are served and you could just relax and sleep peacefully while our trains take you to the destination...."

In reality, I got onto a train that the exterior looked like it would take me to the concentration camp; a train steward that looked like a Mafia hitman; and meals and water that looked like I was on rations. For 80 USD, I could get myself a plane ticket and a nice hotel room instead.

Changed: Jul 16, 2007.
Contains: 11 items.
Album: Friends
As the old saying says, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Luckily during my trip I did not really need anything; nevertheless these companions made me laugh, made me smile and saved me from the eventual madness of talking to myself... Cheers!

Changed: Jul 16, 2007.
Contains: 3 items.
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