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Friday 21st April 2006 08:49:22 AM

this morning i felt like you have gone for 3 mths...feel so bad...miss u so so badly

yesterday i lunch alone in veggi rest u brought me to before dun feel like having anything heavy and i think not be able to finish up a whole dish if i ordered a bbq pork rice...so i ordered this cheese+egg burger..yummy the women opposite me want one after they ordered a rice and a noodles..while i wanna try their noodles haha

yesterday happy to read ur email and msn..they mean a lot to me...cheer me up

thursday nite is facial nite after that i walked around awhile in mk...and i saw a shop selling those lego hairclips we came across before here sells $10, so much cheaper, but as they eat hair...not worth $10 tim la..so didnt buy...just buy tons of socks haha (4 pairs i mean)

expecting your call, i read the moon collection again with LION, we enjoyed it so..heehee

baby pls come back asap Over Over

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