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Thursday 23rd February 2006 09:42:56 AM

Today is another super sleepy thursday. the long wednesday japanese class always can take away all my energy. I fainted on bus trip these couple days. one thing so weird is that, everytime i feel super sleepy, dun know why, end up will leave home earlier than usual and make u run to find me..haha, surprisingly, this morning i thought i will get there earlier than u do, but still can see u right in front of the bus door

run into a mom's blog online: http://dailyphotolog.blogspot.com/

not the first time i saw parents' ablum/daily record of their own kids...and always make me imgaine on what if i got my own one..haha...

these days. always have weird dream...all somehow connected to what i have heard or see in day time we talked about toothpastes then i saw toothpastes...haha we ate a lot...then u dream of food too haha

Tuesday 28th February 2006 11:19:02 AM
From: CTze
Thursday is always the toughest day for us. After 2 harsh nights and seem our energy have gone down to an extreme low level. Think in this way, after thursday, only one more day and will be our relaxing happy weekend again. Thus, friday, we dont usually work that hard la..haha.. But still, I have to find ways to make every thursday of yours easier to pass.

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