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Wednesday 22nd February 2006 11:05:04 AM

哈哈,估唔到我地等左Ceci咁耐佢都唔再係7-11有得賣, then 你發現另外一本送俾我,thank you sweetheart

last nite talking about its important for a couple to share similar taste, i really think so// forexample, last nite, when mabel looked at my sweetheart key chain and admired it so much, at that time, i really think so good my honey has such good taste and always know what i like. I dun mean i like others' compliment or need other's recognition. just mabel's compliement suddenly remind me that we really always share similar taste

i really feel grateful and lucky about this.

coz pretty sure it's not a must

意外發現你為我taking some secret self-protraits,你要四圍取景,雖然我太早撞破,但見到你為影到D相而好興奮,令我更加開心。

Tuesday 28th February 2006 11:16:50 AM
From: CTze
I also feel very lucky for we share the similar taste as then I can trust my own taste and knew you will like them. (except once........haha) Finally you had chance to read the magazine, and I do feel very happy when i was looking at you while you were reading. You were just so enjoy and concentrate..and even dropped down those interesting websites you will further look into it.

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