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Friday 08th June 2007 11:57:23 AM

sleepless nites again

i hate such waiting

wonder what are they doing / thinking?

i am in the maze

Saturday 09th June 2007 11:37:37 AM
From: Jenjen
I understand the feeling of waiting is horrible....however, the world is just works like that, what we can do now is waited patiently. even though the result is out of our expectation, remember to tell yourself : no big deal! I have paid tons of "money" to learn this lesson. It's definitely no easy, but I know you can do this! Keep smiling for us!

Friday 08th June 2007 12:03:03 PM
From: CTze
Bei...sometimes we just have to be patient....for those things that we can't control Don't always think about that and not enjoying your life ar....these are just small things.....you remember what you said about the important thing about our job ma....was for us to know each other and chi jui each other every day

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