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Friday 12th January 2007 10:43:55 AM

someone send me the following site which sell 姊妹裙online, i found them ok and stylish, dont know if my 姊妹 would like them lei (haha and in fact not confirm who will be willing to my 姊妹...) tell me what u think about them, Jenjen and Siuta



now calling my 姊妹/兄弟, pls hands up to show me u are ready to help:

Rachel will be my 伴娘; Herman will be my 姊妹團consultant and teamleader;Jenjen and Siuta will be my 姊妹, Koala too, i really need your help;and hope Brother Nic can help around too, while Siu b and Alien will be the Snapshot photographer and Ah Kua, pls help with all sisters' makeup and styling...hope u all can give me a positive reply la...雖然my 姊妹團規模小但我希望我地都enjoy個過程,你地都係睇/陪住我大既人,希望你地都可以投入+認真參與呢件對我黎講十二萬分重要既事。(準時+交帶係團規!! haha)

另外推介大家可以翻click右手面既archieves睇返以前我寫過D咩,以後大家多留言,報告下進度,我俾左$呢個平台,大家多利用喇 hee hee

Wednesday 17th January 2007 10:01:40 AM
From: yoyoma
thank you Koala waiting to hear from u for so long

Tuesday 16th January 2007 11:12:31 PM
From: Koala
I'm the 1st to show up my attendance ^_^

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