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Thursday 09th November 2006 12:01:49 PM

好難明白英国人点分配佢地既salary,樣樣野都超級貴,自細崇尚民以食為天既我對於佢地冷冰冰既三文治...所以都去左中國城搵食,幫襯左3餐旺記大酒樓 (地址:41-43 Wardour Street, London )雖然有傳闻話佢地既poor service聞名四方,但D人夠話香港9記牛腩差喇,但我去咁多次真係1D都唔覺喇,旺記堪稱英倫既国際大飯堂,一圍抬坐落咩国藉既人都有,United Color of Benetton 應該黎呢度拍广告!!!見到D老外連滷水牛雜飯都識叫,真係好proud,為中国人中国菜感到驕傲。

Friday 10th November 2006 10:17:28 PM
From: Jenjen
I have tried to leave a note in this entry for several times. Wow, can't believe UK has so many chinese food~

Thursday 09th November 2006 03:11:50 PM
From: CTzr
I have been to UK many years but I never went to 旺記 for meals.. what I heard was that people in there are complicated, consisting of many different kinds of people and gangs... Luckily my bei was having a good time there and at least the food there must be better than cold sandwiches.. I still dont understand why people like UK, no food, things are expensive, many many bad things...

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