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Thursday 05th October 2006 10:46:35 AM

there are endless imcoming phone calls everyday..and customers now abuse my personal cell phone... i even dreamt of visiting cutsomer being complaint of frieght too high and shld waive the bunker surcharge...

and the bus ride every morning, my shoulders were rested or half of my seat shared by strangers...if i were they, sleeping like that, i wont sleep on bus..so annoying, i wanna take a pic of how this morning guy share half of my seat but failed..(this is just a ´À¦º°­ i and bei met on a 307 bus, on way back to taipo, just 8 sth pm but that stranger sit next to bei was drunk with no one lace tide properly) i wanna knock knock him and asked has he paid my bus fee as well...so Àê these days...

Thursday 05th October 2006 07:14:00 PM
From: CTze
My bei bei really Àê these days but I can totally understand that. We are both under huge work pressure these days but I believe everything should be ok soon. I always wish I can take bus with my bei every morning and let her rest on my shoulder.....I am counting down on that day every day....quick d la....

Thursday 05th October 2006 05:34:43 PM
From: Jenjen
Yes, it's really annoying. we all paid the same fees, why someone always sit more than he/she paid? =(

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