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Thursday 07th September 2006 12:30:15 PM

we first tried the stretching class after work @central california

hope u find the muscle less tired after that lei

and we have great home made dinner again, made by handsome beibei heehee

ppl said this ¤T¤M³½ is quite unique fish in asia, is a special dish from HK

have done the nails as a trial for wedding/photo taking

but seems that it will be back to normal so soon

last nite feel so exhausted after the long travel to tsing yi and kwai chung (customer visit) always wanan sleep sleep sleep now

Thursday 07th September 2006 07:44:52 PM
From: Jenjen
your nails are beautiful. =) so great that your honey knows how to cook, heee, sweet~~~

Thursday 07th September 2006 05:13:44 PM
From: CTze
The ¤T¤M³½ is simply yummy and I should learn more different ways to make fish....cos my bei bei is a fish eater..hehe The stretching session was cool and made my body relax...but seem carrying the big bag afterwards made my body tensed again...I have to find a way for that, may be I should take those rolling luggage back to work..haha

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