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Wednesday 02nd August 2006 03:57:11 PM


The world's smartest rabbit

"Electronic pets have come a long way from their furry ancestry. This bunny rabbit has been reimagined as an animated conveyance of weather reports, personal messages, and a variety of configurable alerts. Perfect for allergy-sufferers, apartment-dwellers, and anyone who has ever wished their schnauzer had a built-in alarm clock..."

One rabit owner: "It¡¦s my children¡¦s friend. They do everything the rabbit says, whereas I always have to negotiate. I know I¡¦m totally losing my authority as a parent, but hey, it¡¦s better than nothing."

so ¸Ø±i!!!

¦ý«Yjust like Robert Goddard, 1927. said

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow"

and re the blog before "in search of the best chair" this jelly bean like one is so eye catching, its artpiece by others though, not for sale nor domestic use



Sunday 14th August 2011 12:42:36 PM
From: TammieHorton24
Some time ago, I did need to buy a good house for my business but I did not earn enough cash and could not purchase something. Thank heaven my friend proposed to try to get the personal loans from creditors. So, I did that and used to be happy with my short term loan.

Tuesday 22nd August 2006 10:55:37 AM
From: CTze
Sometimes really feel amazed for my bei bei can find so much interesting stuff from the net!

Wednesday 02nd August 2006 06:56:59 PM
From: jenjen
Such a lovely rabbit!

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