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Tuesday 01st August 2006 04:27:15 PM

wow it's august already. time flies...july gone already...scary...suddenly feel so scared of not enough time to do research, preparation at all...and suddenly so under stress

need time to

1. grow hair

2. search around whereabout to take pic

3. ....

these days, tummy always feel sick (no no no, nothing related to the pic i show here, many ppl 篤魚蛋@街邊every second, they are still alive) and kind of 中暑 after standing under the sun for 35 mins waiting for the bus 307....(the feeling of not willing to moving back to Taipo getting stronger and stronger) what bus is this, waiting time can be such long...議員鄭家富you better do something...

Tuesday 22nd August 2006 11:01:15 AM
From: CTze
Time passed so quick and August was a very busy month for both of us. Really dont want this month fly away so quick.....as....you should know why....want to wait 720 together with you rather than 307...

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