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Friday 12th May 2006 03:37:20 PM

finally i remember my power ¡ô¡ôday haha

what u told and showed me on bus today is really great, and i think this is so extra ordinary haha

this 30% cranberry is not as good as the 10% one, this is not a 1+1 = 2 world

so unfair

but if we got the most important thing, we will add weight to it ...so suen la...this is an imperfect world...so we better just focus on the perfect part

Tuesday 30th May 2006 10:32:27 AM
From: CT
I have waited so long for this day to show you this collection....finally it reached your hand and the happy face of you still lingering in my mind until now... You really are the best gift for me.

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