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Sunday 23rd April 2006 07:57:05 AM

it turns really hot here...yesterday visited graves in Tsuen wan..really not a gd day to go...and dare not wear short sleeves yet..i dun want to get sun burnt in April..summer...still a long way to go.

they are my cousins, i took this in the mini  rare stone museum inside that place..haha they are so cooperative

now it's just 730am cant sleep again once wake because of the bright sky.

happy to hear that u finally got a break in UK can walk around there...i wanna walk around with u there so much...hope soon we can visit europe :)

today i will go yoga and pilates in MK as usual..then may go TST for Missia, coz the serum already used up.

yesterday afternoon met herman online and have a quick chat with him. We will have a karaoke ceremony @ newway dowstairs. in Mid May i think...hee shld be great fun.

i have memorised some japanese voca and grammar finally. hope can remember some on wed nite. I kept watching this TV program when i am doing the revision...haha...i cant do revision in too quiet atmosphere...hee

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