【一個人的旅 ~ 土耳其 Turkey】

今次是第三次單獨自由行,憜性未改,出門前兩小時才收執行李在大背包內. 在飛機上用心編排了行程,走較多人玩的土耳其中部及西部,但第二站花紅番城後,那個隨心而行的我,改往東行.....雖然沒有到過出名的景點 --- 棉花堡及奇石林,但在Sanliurfa住進一個土耳其庫爾德族人的家,了解當地人的生活文化,很難忘呀!感謝你們!

6月3日,是土耳其近代著名革命詩人Nazım Hikmet 的忌辰. 令我回想09年在土耳其東部閒盪了二十多天, 深深被那兒友善的人民及風俗所吸引. 返回香港後,不斷從網上翻查有關它的一切, 愛看革命詩人Nazım Hikmet 的詩篇,喜歡那篇"I would softly tell my love"《我會輕聲訴說我的愛》,譯文如下: If I were a plane tree,  I would rest in its shade If I were a book,   I’d read without being bored on sleepless nights If I were a Pencil, I would not want to be even between my own fingers If I were door,  I would open for the good and shut for the wicked If I were window a wide-open window without curtains,  I would bring the city into my room If I were a word,  I’d call out for the beautiful the just the true If I were a word,  I would softly tell my love.
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