Viable :: Vancouver & Alaska February 7 to 16, 2019
Last changed: Mar 26, 2019
72 items in this album
Trip to see Northern Light - Northern Light Location
Yeah! Vancouver, Canada.
Here we are at the Vancouver airport
First Meal at Richmond - Pig feet egg noodles, yummy..
Trip to see Northern Light - Northern Light Location
Yeah! Vancouver, Canada.
Here we are at the Vancouver airport
First Meal at Richmond - Pig feet egg noodles, yummy..
Won a free lotto ticket with this Year of the Pig lotto ticket, Yeah!
1st day dinner - duck feet, abalone and vegetable, yum yum...
My boyfriend - Year of the Vancouver Pig
What a huge fortune  ...... cookie.
Won a free lotto ticket with this Year of the Pig lotto ticket, Yeah!
1st day dinner - duck feet, abalone and vegetable, yum yum...
My boyfriend - Year of the Vancouver Pig
What a huge fortune ...... cookie.
Aberdeen Centre in Richmond - Inside the center mostly are Chinese.  They had a Lunar New Year event there.
Visit my former HSBC colleagues in Richmond, we ate brined GOOSE.
Granville Island
Inside, they have a big market selling fruits, vegetables, food, arts and crafts, and more...
Aberdeen Centre in Richmond - Inside the center mostly are Chinese. They had a Lunar New Year event there.
Visit my former HSBC colleagues in Richmond, we ate brined GOOSE.
Granville Island
Inside, they have a big market selling fruits, vegetables, food, arts and crafts, and more...
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