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Sunday 24th May 2009 11:11:46 AM

A combined business and personal trip have brought me to Boston again. After a few hectic days, it is nice to have some fun today. We went to visit a friend at the Boston Suburb, a small town called Marlborough. The BBQ food was delicious, but it was very interesting that we met a family visiting from HK. They happened to be the owner of the Kinming Glass and Frame Co at Wellington St, Central. It's next to Yum Kee and Lan Qua Fong. Of course every HKese knows Wellington St of Central District, especially me, who lived up there not far away. It is just a small world. I was told that the camera and lenses are much cheaper in HK. That is one more reason for me to visit HK sometime later this year when the weather is cool. Looking for a place to stay for 1-2 months. Any offer?



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