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Saturday 21st February 2009 02:56:50 AM

My sister and her family are out of town for a retreat this long weekend. I offer them to baby sit their house and their cat. The place is very quiet. The sky is blue and clear after raining for two days. The breeze coming from the Pacific ocean is refreshing. I take a walk in the sun  along the clean pavement of a wide and quiet street, forgetting completely the snow and chilly cold in Boston.

Lemons are hanging from the trees. Some little flowers are sticking out their heads for a peep of the blue sky, while others are budding, seem in a hurry to welcome the coming of spring! I cannot resist the urge of taking some photos, despite what I have is only the poor little Canon IXUS 750.  I do the best I can , while the nature is smiling . The cat is staring at me too, showing off her big fat tommy for a pic. OK, I'll shot a few for you and will post them on the net.

 Photo album here



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