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Friday 20th February 2009 02:25:53 PM

My brother and my sister-in-law had a flu today. So, I took their car to explore the area. It was a nice drive along the Pacific Seashore Blvd. The Huntington Beach was only 2 minutes away from their house. It was a very long sandy beach on this side of the Pacific Ocean. Today  was cold and windy, and there were only a few fishmen and strollers there. I took a walk on the beach and several deep breath of the fresh air. The seagulls were good companies, flying high in the open sky. The round red sun was almost on the horizon of the Pacific Ocean,  and the sunset scene was always majestic and magnificient. I felt like I was in heaven!

Suddenly, my cell phone rang, woke me up from my dream. " I will come to pick you up at home  for  dinner in twenty minutes. Can you be home ontime?" I quickly took a few pic and left unwillingly. For sure, I will come back with a better camera in order to capture what  I saw and what I was feeling!  My friends,you have to put up with these pic for now.

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