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Thursday 12th February 2009 06:01:15 PM

今天由BostonLos Angeles, 中途停Philadelphia. 看機票,被編坐中間位.有時間,走去問問地勤小姐.

“Hello, good morning!

“What can I do for you?”

“I like to have a front isle seat, can you do me a favor?”

“No sir, this flight is over-booked!”


“Oh, it’s too bad! You say this flight is over-booked?!”

“Yes sir, over-booked already!”

“ Do you need a volunteer to give up the seat?”

“Yes, do you want to volunteer?”

“Yes, I don’t mind to take another flight.”

“If you give up your seat for this flight, we can book u for another flight two hours later, and a free ticket to any 49 states. The ticket is good for one year, and it is worth $200 if it is used for oversea trip. The ticket is transferrable. In addition, there is a meal ticket worth $10. If you chose take a flight tomorrow, we will take care of your hotel stay and dinner tonight.”

“Yes, I will give up my seat and take the other flight later today.”

真係乘機發財!、新年行運! 一於今年返香港.



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