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Sunday 21st December 2008 03:32:43 PM

Billy Grahm¡¦s Peace with God was originally written in 1953. My sister gave me a copy when I was in high school, but I never read it. It was in the bottom of my list when there were so many other books to read. The book re-surfaced on my book-self about ten years ago. It was heavily covered with dust, which, however, did not hold me back from reading  it from page to page. I have to confess that this book had a lot to do with my conversion to Christianity.  I gave the original copy to a good friend of mine afterwards. Unfortunately, for unknown reason, the book was lost. Last year, I purchased a new copy, which was a 1983 revised edition. I read it from front to back , and again, it touched my life.

During the quiet time of the coming holiday season,  what will be better than reading this classic, which was written in plain English but full of wisdom?!

KF, a copy is on its way to your mailbox and hope you¡¦ll enjoy it as much as I did.

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