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Wednesday 17th December 2008 10:38:18 AM

While I was cleanmy my desk today, I found a piece of paper at the bottom of a bottom drawer. Looking at the typing and the handwriting, it must belongs to the primary school times. The title is ˇ§ The secret to sucdess", with a typo error. But the content is interesting:

The Secret to sucedess

Keep your temper to yourself but give your enthusiasm to everyone

Forget yourself and be genuinely interested in the other guy.

Be fair, honest and friendly and youˇ¦ll be admired and liked

Make other people feel important.

Meet other persons at theri own level (yes, another typo error!)

Put a smile on your face.

Overwhelm people with your charm not your power.

Be lavish with kindness.

Keep your promises.

Look at each experience no matter how frustrating as a learning experience and resist the need to share your complaints with everyone.(yes, lousy English!)

The Clipping says: ˇ§The tragedy in life is not in dying, but in not knowing how to live.ˇ¨

It is interesting , but nostalgic and embarrassing,  to look at these old photo or writings!

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