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Wednesday 10th December 2008 02:58:24 PM


2008 is  coming to its end soon. I had my car checked prior to my trip to Boston. A leak at the front axle was noted despite everything seemed to be running well. Since it was within warranty, I thought it was lucky. Now, I am going to have my physical even though I feel fine. My eye doctor told me yesterday that everything is about the same as last year. No need for new eye-glasses. That was good news! Will have my teeth and blood tests the rest of this week . Nice being a doctor; they treat you special.

I am thankful to be in good health. I do think that we usually do not appreciate how lucky we are when everything is just alright. Peace and joy have a lot to do with being content and be thankful. Life is more interesting if we pay more attention to the little and ordinary things we encounter everyday , and show more interest in people around us. Problem comes when we focus too much on ourselves! Don't you think?

A Certain Smile - Johnny Mathis

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