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Saturday 29th November 2008 08:49:24 AM

Specially for you, Sunset at Boston from Squantum. Quincy……….

Sunset at the Charles River of Boston is spectacular. The skyline matches that of the Victoria Harbor of HK. For me, sunset at Boston, as viewed from Squantun, Quincy, had special meaning.............

For a moment, I  lost. Thanks to you, I found  my direction and my destination . Your hugs and smiles provided me with warmth and courage in the cold daek night. Sense of humor had replaced the fear and anxiety of surgery. Days after surgery were like a vacation, neither pain nor pathology report could stop us from joking or laughing since. While being turned away at the 燕京圖書舘 and watching "Quantum of Solace" were disappointments, together with you made the day. Rain and darkness might prevent us from taking photos at Wellesley, but not at the Quincy cemetery and the beach. How could I hold myself back  from singing at the karaoke and in the church? How could I hold myself back  from singing from the bottom of my heart, after listening to your gifted voice singing  my favorite songs!?

So long for now, but sunset at Boston from Squantum, Quincy, will stay with me forever!

Boston Harbor

Boston Skyline

Sunset at Boston, from Squantum, Quincy

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