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Monday 24th November 2008 05:34:12 PM

Having such a good time in Boston that I have to extend my trip for a few more days. Met my old friend Beverly, and we come up with a drama idea based on a true story, and is good enough to make  a movie. It is about a popular radio show hostess and a wellknown surgeon in Boston. She has breast cancer and he is the best in the business. They fall in love and he cannot bring himself to perform the surgery for her. He is a married man, but has a very unhappy marriage. The story has many twist and turnsˇKˇK.. They have a baby girl , but the mother does not want to raise her because of her career etc. The doctorˇ¦s wife forgives him and raise the girl. She becomes a doctor , interning in BI. In the ER one day, she met an elder woman . Their eyes are equally bright and beautiful. Her father is old and is near death. When she mentions to her father about the woman, he gives him a old, dry colorful maple leaf, and ask his daughter to bring it to the elder woman patient. Looking at the leaf, this elder woman recognizes that the intern she met in the ER of BI is actually her daughterˇKˇKˇK.

Beverly told me that she has a friend who is a movie producer. Once the story is written, she will let him know. Haha, it will be fun!

Have missed a lot cathyˇ¦s pretty photos. I saw one today and post it here. Cat, I hope you donˇ¦t mind. I borrow your pic in return for the medical information given to you, fair enough!?

Tuesday 25th November 2008 09:32:42 AM
From: steve
Alright, I'll post more pic of mine from now on. That was my photo taken in the Victoria harbor, and my actual study at home in the earlier entries!

Monday 24th November 2008 07:35:58 PM
From: Cathy
not fair. you have my photo and I don't have yours.

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