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Thursday 11th January 2007 04:33:17 PM

Paupau and I went for a trip to Cameron Highlands recently. It was just a trip to relax, not many actions, since the whole month of December 2006 was quite hectic for us. I am sure you know what I mean here.

Well, since I have gigabytes of photos pending upload, I have decided that those old ones shall only stay in the harddisk. Because I know that I will never dig them out and upload them here. Since this trip is still quite "up to date", I shall upload the photos before the files start growing roots in the harddisk. Check them out [here].

P/S: This photo was taken while I was still half asleep. The morning light pierced thru our balcony early in the morning. This first thing I did was grabbing the camera and started shooting. I cannot quite recall whether I put on my clothes or not... ;p


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