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Thursday 09th November 2006 04:56:40 PM

Have you ever tried to teach someone sincerely with all the knowledge you have, but in turn the receiving party never appreciated it and accused you of taking the whole process lightly? One of the participants in my class gave me an all low in the post-training evaluation, my heart just sank when I saw it...  

Another bad day... arghhh....


Friday 10th November 2006 01:47:09 PM
From: siumai
thanks bro... these cb tot they pay money liao should get this and that... tns... they tot their money very BIG... puiiii... But i'm cool now ;p These people are just idiots crossing my path, not worth my time thinking about them... I choose to live happily, no idiots can take that away from me... ;p

Friday 10th November 2006 11:45:03 AM
From: Chrissaro
siumai, to hell with them ler...we can't always make everyone happy, can we? just be happy surely someone else is appreciating your teachings...always look at the bright side of things...cool it bro...

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