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Monday 16th October 2006 11:01:45 AM


Bought this cool pair of sunglasses for paupau as a birthday present the other day. This is Oakley's Whisker with polarized lens. If you are out there shopping for a pair of practical sunglasses, I strongly recommend you get one with polarized lens.

After wearing one with polarized lens for more than 2 years, I can say it really worth the extra money. It can really reduce glare, especially those bounce off the windshield of a car when you are driving. Depending on the sun's position, it can also reduce glare bounce off the road surface, especially after rain. If you go to beaches often, polarized lens is a must. Because glare from the surface of water will be reduced tremendously. to find out more, try to google, there are lots of information out there.

Beware though when you are wearing one and go to pump petrol, you may not see what's on the LCD display. In order to see, you must rotate your head a bit... :-) Trust me, you would see a different world behind a pair of polarized sunglasses. If you are into photography, a polarized filter will do wonders to your photographs, too... ;p


Tuesday 28th November 2006 09:43:18 AM
From: penguin
I am eye-ing on the Oakley Dart... Not polarized though.. very hard to find one that fit my face.. :( .. Btw, saw this whisker in paupau's blog and it looks very classy!! :)

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