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Tuesday 26th September 2006 01:26:59 PM

Heard this on MY FM this morning.

A decent looking girl (let¡¦s call her G) approached a guy (let¡¦s call him B) and said she wanna befriend him. Naturally, B didn¡¦t turn down G (frankly, most of the guys wouldn¡¦t). There they chat for awhile and exchanged phone numbers.

The following day, G gave a call to B and asked him out for a drink. B happily agreed (frankly, not all guys would). When they were having drinks, G said her handphone was having problem and asked B if she could ask her friend to call B¡¦s phone. B agreed. Then B¡¦s phone rang and he handed it to G to answer. G then claimed that the line was bad and she couldn¡¦t hear clearly, so she told B to look after her handbag and she went away slowly while talking to the phone¡Kand eventually vanished!

When B realized what happened, he looked into G¡¦s handbag, there were only rubbish inside. Poor guy, have himself to blame! ;p

Saturday 10th March 2012 03:14:15 AM
From: ValenciaHillary
I received 1 st mortgage loans when I was 32 and it aided me a lot. However, I require the college loan once again.

Wednesday 11th October 2006 02:25:05 PM
From: siumai
What a sicked society we live in nowadays. If we thought things are too good to be true, they probably are. Take care guys!!

Tuesday 10th October 2006 11:31:32 PM
From: chris
Bro, I heard this over MyFM too the other morning...damn...lotsa freaking ways to cheat nowadays...must tell ourselves not to fall victim to these evil deeds...

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