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Monday 11th September 2006 04:20:26 PM

For however many times he has won the F1 titles, I personally do not think Michael Schumacher as a great champion. Yes, he might be a maestro when driving an F1 car to seven world titles. But he's no where near the great champions like Ayrton Senna.

Over the years, there are too many controversials surrounding Michael. You felt like he won a lot of races with a lot 'help'. If you have been watching F1 closely, I am sure you know what I meant. No wonder the flamboyant Renault boss has had some harsh comment on the sport lately. With Italian football match-fixing scandal, it is not impossible to think that F1 has some sort 'race-fixing' of its own.

Come to think about it, may be it is good that Michael has finally called it a day. Let the sport be a sport. But wait, Ferrari are still here... I hope Kimi's reputation will not be tainted with any sort of controversial like Michael's when he drives for Ferrari.

It's always difficult for small fish to fight with the big shark, but please hang on Fernando, I have faith in you. Go kill the big bloody red shark (horse?).


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