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Thursday 24th August 2006 03:48:25 PM

Ever heard of ESP, VSA, VSC, PSM, DSC? All these are acronyms for car stability control systems from different car manufactures. According to a survey in the UK, these electronic stability control systems could save up to 400 lives a year in their country. These systems are called active safety systems, like ABS, they prevent accidents from happening as oppose to passive systems like airbags, which protect the passenger after accident happened.


While safety equipments like airbags, ABS , ESP are not that expensive to manufacture as stated, why can't we Malaysian have them in all our new cars? Since our leaders always feel proud to have the world's tallest building, world's most scenic crooked bridge, world's longest bla bla bla..., may be they should do something like this, "World's first country to have all new cars fitted with airbag, ABS, ESP". Or may be some other more safety conscious countries already have done that, so we won't be doing it because it won't make us the world's first.


I don't know the figure, but I'm sure we spend a lot of money on insurance and health care due to car accidents. May be we should give tax rebate to car manufacturer who fit more safety equipments to new cars. In the long run, we may save more money and most importantly, save more lives. Feasible? Let's our leaders think about it.


Malaysian drivers at large, think that they have the reflexes of Michael Schumacher, they think that they can react faster than electronic sensors, they don't need ABS, ESP etc, they can avoid an accident when something unexpected happened. They also have so so many years of driving experience behind them, they can cope with any kind of unexpected driving condition. But they don¡¦t realize their years of driving experience is only driving from where they live to their workplace and back, without much drama. They don't need seat-belts and airbags either, if head-on collision happened, they think they can use their arms and legs to hold them against hitting the steering wheel or dashboard!


Time to wake up, Malaysian at large! If our leaders and car manufacturers couldn't give us a safe piece of driving machinery, we must demand for it! Where is our Airbags?



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