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Friday 18th August 2006 03:33:49 PM

After reading Steve Sutcliffe's [Autocar] tip on how to do a handbrake turn, I thought I wanna give it a try using my car. In order to make a handbrake turn, you must first do a little 'test' to see if your car is up to the job or not.

Here's the 'test': Bring the car up to speed in a straight and deserted road, say about 50-70km/h, then yank on the handbrake. If the rear wheels locked up, your car is good for handbrake turn, if not, forget it, try another car...

Here's my 'test: I brought my car up to speed on a straight and deserted road. Then I yanked on the handbrake and here's what happened, the car just went straight and I don't feel my car slowing down at all... crab!!! The handbrake is designed not to lock up the rear wheel, as Sutcliffe said. Such a boring car...

So, handbrake turn is out of the question. I must find another way to have fun with my car... All-wheel-brake turn, perhaps... ;p


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