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Friday 11th August 2006 02:20:22 PM

Welcome back!


The second method, this is more extreme. I do it occasionally, or rather very seldom-ly. The air-con, no I'm not asking you to switch it off. Who on mother earth would like to drive without air-con in this part of the world? This is the key point; switch off the air-con compressor when accelerate, switch on when slowing down. As you (should) know, when the compressor is on, it creates load at the engine, in-turn, the engine need more fuel to run. Some cars have a dedicated button to switch the compressor on/off. If your car doesn't, don't fret, normally when you turn the temperature setting to maximum/coldest, the compressor will be switched on, the opposite is normally true, too.


How to do it? Well, for example, if you are going down a slope and about to stop, turn the air-con to its coldest. Doing this, you use the car's momentum to turn the compressor, not the engine's power, i.e. you get free air-con. When you start to accelerate the car, turn the air-con to its 'least cold' setting, doing so, the compressor stops, letting the engine use its full power to move the car, hence, save fuel.


These are just some of the ideas to save fuel. May be they don't make sense for some people. Or if you have any other ideas, do share with us. I'll let you know more of my ideas on fuel saving in future, if any of you out there would like to know.


Drive safely and efficiently!



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