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Friday 11th August 2006 11:27:33 AM

I have read a lot of articles about ways to save fuel. In general, the all talk about the same thing, namely:

1. drive at constant speed, avoid abrupt acceleration and braking

2. remove unwanted weight from the car

3. plan your trip (don't drive the extra miles)

4. avoid rush hours (i like this one, got excuse to go to work late, probably?)

5. a lot more...


But I'm not gonna talk about all these. I have myself 2 very effective methods to save fuel, and I have never read it anywhere, so I think I should share them here... try them at your own risk... ;p


The first method, that I have already built into my driving style long time ago is, DO NOT HIT THE BRAKE! Sounds crazy isn't it? hahaha... That's what I do all the time. Everyone (should) knows that the car uses fuel to accelerate, and uses fuel to maintain speed. So each time we touch the brake pedal, the fuel used to accelerate the car is wasted, changing into heat in the brakes.


How to do it? Anticipate the traffic ahead is the key. For example, when come upon a traffic light (red light, of course), lift off early and let the car roll to a stop, using as little brake as possible. Mind you, if you do this, you might frustrate a lot of driver behind you. Hell, they should thank you, because you are helping them to save fuel too. They are many more ways to save fuel using this method. Go figure! ;p


If you read this far, you are probably determined to save fuel. Kudos... Stay tuned for the second fuel saving method.



Friday 22nd September 2006 02:45:31 PM
From: siumai
Agree, concentration is the most difficult part, especially if you have passenger on board. ;p

Friday 22nd September 2006 11:19:14 AM
From: suzette
Ya, I know the 'DO NOT HIT THE BRAKE' rules, but really hard to do that coz I always busy talking with passenger and forgot to focus on traffic far ahead. I think focusing on traffic far ahead is really the key - that's what the Taylors said too! :)

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