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Wednesday 13th April 2005 05:16:11 PM

For the recent holidays, I nearly only went out with my colleagues. Maybe our schedules are much easier to match, or I really couldn't make a date out with my own friends successfully. Well, it didn't taste good though.

Anyway, it was so fun to go out with my colleagues. Just like the Monday before, I went shopping & dinner with Christy & Maggie. We found a very NICE restaurant. Food was nice; the atmosphere was nice; the price was nice & the service was nice as well. We totally spent 3 hours there. Pretty cool, right? ;->

Actually we were waiting for Celia, well, for playing Mahjong! I have a flight the other day indeed, but we agreed to play not later than 2am. Sweeeeet!

A day like this, was simple but enjoyable.

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