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Saturday 11th June 2005 02:48:40 AM

before my J-class training, i went to Melbourne with christy ;-D the flight wasn't full hehe & i met my old friend - mos! yeah! we didn't see for years. still remember those old days playing AOE / AOM days & nights!

we planned to visit koala & kangarooes on the first day. however, christy & i were just passed out after flight. we ended up to walk around & had dinner with mos's handsome friend - kenji hehe

on the second day, we joined a tour to visit the kangerooes, koala & PENGUINS!! for only AUS $80! YEAH! the kangarooes actually look horrible -_- but the koala was soooooooooo cuuuuteeeee & the penguins as well!!! those penguins are the smallest penguins!! i even followed them home! {nearly}

looking forward to my Vancouvre flight ;-D

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