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Sunday 19th March 2006 02:01:34 AM

17 March 2006, Friday

a very nice day with a very good start
no...not really...
I met a smoker in the lift today morning.....
I couldn't recognise if it's a he or she.....let's say it as an it :)
it's a short guy
a hateful short guy....
affecting my good start...>"<
but there's a notice on the display board and also one in somewhere else saying that no smoking is allowed in a lift!!!!!!!!!!!

I arrived at school at 7:35 am and waited for Miss Wong in front of the school office
she came at 7:45 actually....fine~
there's a good place for me to concentrate on my revision :)
I took off my glasses because I wear mask today
Miss Wong could not recognise me....ha...
and then I went to the cover playground to continue my revision
and then the bell rang.....I'd studied 3 chapters only.......= =

oral exam in the afternoon
bad....so bad.....but it's a good experience
I hope I can do better in CE!!! =))

FIGHTING GIRLS!~!~!~!!!!~~!~!~!!!!~~~!~!~!~!!~

16 March 2006, Thursday

wah....unlucky day....
late for school again.........bull shit! .\_/.
3 TIMES already!!><
the MTR was delay for 3 MINS!!!
fine....I should go to school earlier....I know....but I can't........
I was worried about facing Miss C Wong.....
I feel shame when I face her if she knows what's happened..... :(

I felt sleepy today and VERY very very tired
I had Composition and Principal of  Accounts today
I felt good after finishing them though the accounts were not in balance...=\
I know I had done my best today so keep it up KO-YAN!!!
you are the BEST!!! ha ha ha~~~

I planned to go to the self-study room today evening
however, I went to bed at 4 sth and could not leave it....
I slept until 8:45 pm
and then dinner, bathing, sleeping again....
no Econ.....no Econ......
I only memorised the 4 principles of xxx (forgot already...) by Adam Smith
I will revise other parts in tomorrow morning.

15 March 2006, Wednesday

it's the begining of Mock Exam
Chinese I & II
not that bad....though I didn't spend too much time on it
it's a good start!
keep it on girls

I went to the self-study room again at sth to 6 with a pile of THICK notes :)
I could only finish one-third of them
poor....... :(

14 March 2006, Tuesday

last day......probably the last school.....though I don't think so
I think I would spend 2 more school years in spslt...
perharps 1 and a half year.... :p
fine..it's not a big deal....
I felt very bad today
feeling sick....feeling ill.....
everything went badly.....just...my feeling
though I brought the camera to school today as yesterday,
I didn't take much
the voices were too soft to hear
fine....that's fine...
I was surprised that I felt sad at the end of this school day
I must keep my image of a cool / cold-blooded person
ha ha....
yes..!...there're so many memories in these 5 years
no matter good or bad
I had taken over them one by one
everything goes to my mind
I hope I can remember them forever....though I don't think it's possible....
at least, I can write them down and have a copy
I will write all my memories with my dear friends and classmates on their "memory sheets" and take some photos for them :D

since I want to spend some time with Cathleen today
I went to the 6/F with them, Cathleen and Ruby, to find Miss T Cheng for a photo
funny....Cathleen wanted to give a "memory sheet" to Miss C Wong
however, she failed to do so
Miss Wong said she won't write for anyone since the deadline was reached
we talked many things, including some interesting things in Form 1
there're lots of things we'd forgot but they're still in Miss Wong's mind
So-yan cried for some little silly things.....we sang a birthday song to her in F.1 as we sang for her in F.5
she is sensitive person and that's good
I also asked some skill of doing Chinese paper from Miss Wong and we all gain a lot
more than what we gain from Miss SK Chan................poor ladies...

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