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Saturday 04th March 2006 08:13:05 PM

Teeth, Homa and I went to the Hong Kong Flower Show 2006 this afternoon. The weather was not so good. Neither sunshine or rain. It was very cloudy.

We all wore skirts. We took some photos in front of the entrance. At the same time, a tourist from the Mainland talked to us. She was looking after her nephew and therefore, she could not visit the exhibition today. She said she will visit it tomorrow. I wanted to take a picture with her nephew. However, the woman misunderstood me. She thought we wanted to take a picture with her. =\ Eventually, I did not take any pictures with that little baby.

People were everywhere. Photographers were everywhere round the fence. I could not take any nice photos for flowers .\_/. Therefore, I took some for the photographers. x]]

Finally, we found a nice shotting place, which is an advertisement of the brand Crocodile. We took many photos with the model, ­]³ì°¶. Funny :) We also played with the MTR posters. Fun fun fun fun fun!!>w<

I have taken 183 photos using my camera and some in Teeth's. Most of them are not so good in quality. I will upload some of the better ones to my fotop ASAP.

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