lclun :: Gallery 2004
Visits: 1073 times
Last changed: Sep 26, 2010
46 items in this album
"紅綿斜道", Diamond Hill鑽石山, 12/3/2004.
"Inside the chapel", Wu Kai Sha烏溪沙, 10/1/2004.
"燈燈燈橩", 澳海城 , 11/1/2004.
"Tree on the Water", Ho Pui Reservoir 河背水塘, 26/1/2004.
Album: World of flowers 花花世界(紅綿)

Changed: Sep 23, 2010.
Contains: 13 items.
"Inside the chapel", Wu Kai Sha烏溪沙, 10/1/2004.
"燈燈燈橩", 澳海城 , 11/1/2004.
"Tree on the Water", Ho Pui Reservoir 河背水塘, 26/1/2004.
"Bridge for marathon 跑馬天橋", 青馬觀景台, 8/2/2004.
"Breakthrough 衝破", Tai Mo Shan 大帽山, 11/2/2004.
"Fire dragon 1 火龍 1", my home, 15/2/2004.
"Fire dragon 2 火龍 2", my home, 15/2/2004.
"Bridge for marathon 跑馬天橋", 青馬觀景台, 8/2/2004.
"Breakthrough 衝破", Tai Mo Shan 大帽山, 11/2/2004.
"Fire dragon 1 火龍 1", my home, 15/2/2004.
"Fire dragon 2 火龍 2", my home, 15/2/2004.
"Sham Tseng Camera Show 2004 深井相機展2004", Sham Tseng Settlement Basin 深井聚水塘, 21/2/2004. After taking many group photos.
"Busy 分身不下", Outside Kwan Tsing Theatre 葵青劇院外, 13/3/2004.
"Drunk 獨醉於街頭" Wong Tai Sin MTR 黃大仙, 28/3/2004.
"Taking photo for cows 對牛攝影" Tap Mun 塔門, 5/4/2004.
"Sham Tseng Camera Show 2004 深井相機展2004", Sham Tseng Settlement Basin 深井聚水塘, 21/2/2004. After taking many group photos.
"Busy 分身不下", Outside Kwan Tsing Theatre 葵青劇院外, 13/3/2004.
"Drunk 獨醉於街頭" Wong Tai Sin MTR 黃大仙, 28/3/2004.
"Taking photo for cows 對牛攝影" Tap Mun 塔門, 5/4/2004.
"Drawing in ruin 破屋中的畫" Tap Mun 塔門, 5/4/2004.
"Camping 1", Pui O 貝澳, 9/4/2004.
"Camping 2", Pui O 貝澳, 9/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 1", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"Drawing in ruin 破屋中的畫" Tap Mun 塔門, 5/4/2004.
"Camping 1", Pui O 貝澳, 9/4/2004.
"Camping 2", Pui O 貝澳, 9/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 1", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 2", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 3", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 4", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 5", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 2", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 3", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 4", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 5", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 6", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 7", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"Wonderland Villas magic 華景魔幻", Wonderland Villas 華景山莊, 2/5/2004.
"Ting Kau magic 汀九魔幻", Wonderland Villas 華景山莊, 2/5/2004.
"R.C.plane 6", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"R.C.plane 7", FeiNgo Shan Road 飛鵝山道, 11/4/2004.
"Wonderland Villas magic 華景魔幻", Wonderland Villas 華景山莊, 2/5/2004.
"Ting Kau magic 汀九魔幻", Wonderland Villas 華景山莊, 2/5/2004.
"Lotus seed cream in lab 實驗室內的白蓮容", Hong Kong Productivity Council Building 生產力促進局大樓, 15/5/2004.
"Golden island 金光幻島", Nei Lak Shan 彌勒山, 30/5/2004.
"Transit of Venus 01", 8/6/2004.
"Transit of Venus 02", 8/6/2004.
"Lotus seed cream in lab 實驗室內的白蓮容", Hong Kong Productivity Council Building 生產力促進局大樓, 15/5/2004.
"Golden island 金光幻島", Nei Lak Shan 彌勒山, 30/5/2004.
"Transit of Venus 01", 8/6/2004.
"Transit of Venus 02", 8/6/2004.
"無澗道---超級無敵手推車", Ma Tai Stream 馬大石澗, 22/6/2004.
"無澗道II---美中不足", Ma Tai Stream 馬大石澗, 22/6/2004.
"Bed of guitars 與他同眠", 23/6/2004.
"Dragonfly on flower 花球上的蜻蜓", Wah Ming Estate 華明邨, 25/9/2004.
"無澗道---超級無敵手推車", Ma Tai Stream 馬大石澗, 22/6/2004.
"無澗道II---美中不足", Ma Tai Stream 馬大石澗, 22/6/2004.
"Bed of guitars 與他同眠", 23/6/2004.
"Dragonfly on flower 花球上的蜻蜓", Wah Ming Estate 華明邨, 25/9/2004.
"Working", Silvermine Bay 銀礦灣, 27/9/2004.
"Silvermine Fall 銀礦灣瀑布", 27/9/2004.
"Silvermine Bay moon rise 銀礦灣月出", 27/9/2004(八月十四).
"Silvermine Bay moonlight 銀礦灣月華", Silvermine Bay 銀礦灣, 27/9/2004.
"Working", Silvermine Bay 銀礦灣, 27/9/2004.
"Silvermine Fall 銀礦灣瀑布", 27/9/2004.
"Silvermine Bay moon rise 銀礦灣月出", 27/9/2004(八月十四).
"Silvermine Bay moonlight 銀礦灣月華", Silvermine Bay 銀礦灣, 27/9/2004.
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