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Saturday 14th May 2005 05:46:47 PM

There's a simple and easy way to design your own CSS (style sheet) to control your own fotop.net's appearance.

1. Download and install "Mozilla Firefox" from http://www.mozilla.org if you don't have it installed.
2. Visit https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/ wwith firefox
3. Search and install "EditCSS" extension
4. Restart "Firefox" after you have installed the "EditCSS" extension.
5. Visit your pages with firefox, click "View" -> "Sidebar" -> "Edit CSS"
6. The CSS currently using will display at the sidebar, try adjust the values inside "{ ...............}" and see the change at the browsing screen at realtime.

You can try adjust:
font type ( font family: )
font style ( font weight: )
font size ( font-size: xx px)
font / link color
height, width, position, border, background image ... etc. of an DIV element ( #DIV {...} )
and much more.

7. After you have complete design your own CSS, copy the sidebar CSS code into clipboard.

8. For pjournal, paste the code at your pjournal setting CSS field.

9. For albums, click "CSS" at the menu, paste the code at the CSS field and give it a name, then save.

Thursday 27th October 2005 11:58:01 PM
From: lian

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