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Tuesday 28th March 2006 03:27:49 AM
Traffic stat[ 6 messages] 
fotop news

Wondering how many daily unique visitors reach your albums? Where they come from? How they reach your albums? All paid users can now get details traffic report, FREE of charge.

所有付款用戶現可免費享用詳細的人流統計及分析, 包括圖表, 訪客 IP, 國家及轉介來源地等等

Monday 27th March 2006 04:10:33 PM
fotop.net 三周年[ 24 messages] 
fotop news

今早看報紙時, 忽然想起些什麼, 想了一會, 想起今天是 3月27日. 三年前3月27日, 我在 "心血來潮" 的情形下,  開始了 fotop.net 服務 .... 當時沒有太多準備, 亦沒有什麼期望, 只本著 "反正蝕不死" 的心態, 以一部 Duron 750Mhz, 512MB, 80GB harddisk 的機器, connect 上公司的 1.5Mbps boardband, 申請一個近似某外國知名網站的 domain name (及後才改名為 fotop.net), 開始為數個愛好攝影的網友提供網絡相簿的服務!

我們一開始就堅決不作免費午餐燒銀紙式的服務去爭取用戶, 其一是因為我們沒有銀紙可燒! 而我們亦深信在香港的市場下, 以免費午餐方式去運作經營成本極大的網絡相簿, 結果只有死路一條. 我們不想開頭以 "免費" 作招來, 引了用戶 "入局", 用得開開心心才以種種理由迫用戶付款, 或關門大吉. 我們不知道如果當日我們不量力而為, 以 "免費" 作招來, 今日我們會否已關門大吉. 我們只知道, 我們提供了用戶喜愛的服務, 用戶亦樂於付款使用支持, 令我們在有微利的情況下, 運行了三年.

三年前, 我還是年青力壯的小伙子, 今天, 可能是因為長期對著電腦 programming, debug, 管理網站等等, 已經常出現頸緊肩痛等老人毛病了. 曾經有機構出價 $x 提收購, 確實亦曾心動, 心想自己做, 可能要多做 10年8年才有賺到 $x, 倒不如賣了一了百了, 不用那樣辛苦自己. 幸好最終未能成事 (因為我當時跟本捨不得, 於是開了個 "天價" 給對方.....), 否則如果真的賣了, 現在我深信會非常後悔. 我從寫程式, debug, 管理網站中得到很大的樂趣及成功感, 我想是非金錢可以取代的.

轉眼間不經不覺又三年, 說長不長, 短不短. 三年間, 我們的機器由最初的 80GB, 增長在現時的超過 10TB. 由 1.5Mbps boardband, 到現時於 Datacenter 的 2 個 47U full rack. Pageview 亦由最初 2000-3000 一日, 增長到昨天的破記錄單日 253 萬. 當中的辛酸及樂趣, 不為外人道. 三年間, 我們經歷過很多的挫拆及失敗, 從中吸收了很多無價的經驗, 不斷改善我們的系統及服務.

在此多謝三年來一直支持我們的用戶及訪客, 我們希望可以 "三年之後又三年, 三年之後又三年", 三三不盡的為用戶提供服務!

Sunday 08th January 2006 01:28:58 AM
Image Map[ 2 messages] 
fotop news

Paid users can now add text and URL link INSIDE the different parts of photo.

For example, a photo with several people inside, you can now name the people inside the photo, and add URL link so that when visitors click the people inside the photo, he will be directed to a specified URL.

How? click "image map" when you visit your own photo, then you can add "map" to your photo.


mouse over the bird!

付款用戶現在可於相片中加入文字及 URL link 到其他地方

例如, 一張相中有數個人, 你現在可以在相片中每個人的位置加入文字說明, 及 URL. 當訪客的 mouse 指到相片中的指定位置時, 文字說明就會出現. 而當訪戶點擊指定位置時, 就會跳在設定的  URL.

你可以於觀看自己的相片時, click "image map" 設定 image map.

將 mouse 指到雀鳥處看看!

Wednesday 14th December 2005 12:57:53 AM
Delete original size image[ 0 messages] 
fotop news

Users can now delete original fullsize image while leave the auto-resized image to save space. Here's how:

1. login your account
2. visit one of the images of your target album
3. click "delete original"
4. select if you want to delete ALL fullsize image or just the image you selected.
5. click "submit" to confirm
6. Saved space will reflect at your used quota value.
7. If there's no full version, nothing will do at your images, so, no harm.

Monday 12th September 2005 04:38:31 PM
New backup server online[ 0 messages] 
fotop news

We have added a new and improved delicated server for data backup purpose.

The server has totally 2TB of RAID-5 storage capacity, we have also developed an improved automatically backup software so that we can DAILY backup ALL paid users data.

It'll replace the old backup server in our existing configuration.

Now all paid users data have 3 copies, 2 of them are mirroring copy (RAID-1). If one of the harddisk get demaged, we can still keep serving with the mirroring harddisk. If we are in really very bad luck and the mirroring harddisk also get demaged before we sync back the RAID-1 to new harddisk, we can still restore data from the RAID-5 daily backup copy. Even if one of the harddisk at our RAID-5 backup array get demaged, we can still restore data from the degraded RAID-5 array!

Only one case may cause unrecoverable data lost: ALL  (2) mirroring harddisks, and more than one harddisk at the backup RAID-5 array, ALL get demaged at the SAME TIME.

Friday 22nd July 2005 05:59:44 PM
Reference album 影子相冊[ 21 messages] 
fotop news

New feature introduced: Reference album
Users can now create "reference album" to another existing target album under the same album tree (user). The "reference album" will "point" to the target album. By using the "reference album" feature, album structure design can be much more feasible. 

全新功能: 影子相冊
用戶現在可以於相冊內建立"指向"其他相冊 (同一用戶)的 "影子相冊". 使用 "影子相冊", 設計相冊結構 時的彈性將大大增強.

亦即是說, 同一個相冊可於不同的位置出現.

Wednesday 25th May 2005 03:29:31 AM
Tips for faster upload[ 2 messages] 
fotop news

1. Resize before upload, 800px width or height is large enought for most 1024x768 resolutions monitor. Otherwise your visitors will need to scroll left and right, top and bottom to see your pictures.

2. Unless you want your visitors can get prints from your image files, avoid upload super high resolution images. Your visitors will download your images faster, results in more pageviews of your images. For example, visitor A can view 3 100KB images while visitor B can only view 1 500KB image.

3. Human eyes are hard to tell the different between JPG quality 9 and 12 (high and maximum quality setting in photoshop) on a computer monitor, but the different in file size can be very large. Set the right compression level.

4. upload a resized 200KB image is MUCH faster than upload a 2MB image then wait for server side auto resize.

5. free batch resize tools such as "xnview", "infraview"ccanbbatch processing and resize many images at once, at very high speed.

Tuesday 24th May 2005 11:16:56 PM
Personal search engine[ 0 messages] 
fotop news

Enable / Disable at user setting

Searching for album name, title, description

Search can show hidden albums, don't enable it or don't complain about this

Friday 20th May 2005 06:36:29 PM
Disable right click[ 1 messages] 
fotop news

Users can now disable right click at user setting.

Please note that it's not rocket science, and it can easily be overrided by visitors.

Saturday 14th May 2005 05:46:47 PM
How to make my own CSS?[ 1 messages] 
fotop news

There's a simple and easy way to design your own CSS (style sheet) to control your own fotop.net's appearance.

1. Download and install "Mozilla Firefox" from http://www.mozilla.org if you don't have it installed.
2. Visit https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/wwith firefox
3. Search and install "EditCSS" extension
4. Restart "Firefox" after you have installed the "EditCSS" extension.
5. Visit your pages with firefox, click "View" -> "Sidebar" -> "Edit CSS"
6. The CSS currently using will display at the sidebar, try adjust the values inside "{ ...............}" and see the change at the browsing screen at realtime.

You can try adjust:
font type ( font family: )
font style ( font weight: )
font size ( font-size: xx px)
font / link color
height, width, position, border, background image ... etc. of an DIV element ( #DIV {...} )
and much more.

7. After you have complete design your own CSS, copy the sidebar CSS code into clipboard.

8. For pjournal, paste the code at your pjournal setting CSS field.

9. For albums, click "CSS" at the menu, paste the code at the CSS field and give it a name, then save.

Saturday 14th May 2005 05:21:08 PM
CSS[ 0 messages] 
fotop news

What is CSS?
stands for Cascading Style Sheets
Styles define how to display HTML elements
Styles are normally stored in Style Sheets
Multiple style definitions will cascade into one

fotop.net users can now use CSS to customize the screen layout, look and feel of their own area.

Users can even define the position and size, background image, background color,font type, font size, border style, border color ....etc of each elements.

For instance, the screen we now showing you is customized with:

#calender {
background: yellow;

#thumbs {
background: white;

.text {
font-size: 12px;

Saturday 07th May 2005 12:00:59 PM
Flash view mode[ 4 messages] 
fotop news

1. Support up to 100 photos per album
2. Non-progressive JPG only
3. paid users only feature.
4. Visitors click the "flash" at photo view screen for switching to flash mode.
5. Album owner can set default photo view mode at album properties. Options are: "Classic", "Flash", and "Flash Only"
6. "Flash Only" mode can prevent "right click" and "save as" of image files.

fotop news(13)
fotop help(5)

Traffic statNew backup server onlineReference album 敶勗詨Personal search engineDisable right clickHow to make my own CSS?CSSFlash view modeUptime