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Sunday 01st July 2012 11:57:13 AM

Orlando H. GarridoArturo Kirkconnell合著,2000年出版和2008年重印的Birds of Cuba (Helm Field Guides),內容應與Field Guide to the Birds of Cuba (Comstock books)類同。雖然它包含了所有可在古巴發現的鳥種,唯略厭部分插圖未夠詳盡,部分構圖及色彩與真實差異頗大,而且編排的插圖與解說文字內容,分開在書內的前及後半部,並非一般參考書的圖文並茂式編排,在實地使用時較為不便。所以選購前可先參考由Soleglad編寫對觀鳥用參考書(Avian Review)的評論,然後才決定購買。


...A negative note about the warblers is that only the adult breeding plumages are shown, so keep this in mind if you visit Cuba during the winter. For anyone not confident with their fall and winter warblers, an eastern US guide might be handy to bring. It would also be a nice gesture to leave it behind with the birding guide that escorts you around the island...

...The descriptions are fairly good, but don’t go into great detail. As an example, you’ll need to investigate other sources to properly distinguish Red-shouldered from Tawny-shouldered Blackbirds. If you hope to rely solely on the epaulet color, you might have some troubles with these birds...

...This book is not formatted in the familiar field guide format. The plates are bunched together in the center of the book, sandwiched between the species accounts. And, these plates contain to text other than the bird's name...More

此外,即使只到古巴拍鳥旅行及決定購買Birds of Cuba,仍可同時準備由Herbert Raffaele等合著的Birds of West Indies,此書除了插圖更為清晰以外而且更輕巧,二百多頁中已包含了在西印地區可觀看到的564種雀鳥,作為協助辨認尤其是在古巴出沒的西印地區特有鳥種,非常有幫助,接這裡可預覽此書。

Birds of West Indies


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