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Wednesday 07th November 2007 02:43:05 PM

mental illness was established during the path of our lives,

that cannot be healed, definitely incurable for years long,

until there is a particular touching moment that enlighten us and lead us away from darkness.

Pessmistism often arise when one is despair and frustrated. The despair and sadistic thoughts somehow drive one into madness, as i 've nearly been.

The only way to relieve is to speak out, cry out or even shout as loud as you can, to complain your dissatisfaction and face the darkness deep in the bottom of your heart.

Through the proccess of growing up, surely there will be a lot of uncertainty and anxiety, but the only point is never to deny your sense of self, that no matter how mean or how cruel you are, commit it, always think of another way to comfort yourself, then you won't collapse.

Deeply comforted by loves of all of you who care about me. I am a coward, always, that never willing to face any conflict, and just keep remaining silence instead. I know the only way is to speak up, yet I am still learning before I could reach to that point.

Ich liebe dich~!Wirklich!


>>new photos again!!! Thanks Sento so much

Thursday 08th November 2007 10:14:53 AM
From: Win
You are not alone. It's understandable that everyone needs to be cared with kindness. We worship for it til the end of our lives. No matter what, I hope you remember that YOU ARE SPECIAL.

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