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Friday 02nd February 2007 12:15:20 AM

Since I've finally started my 2nd semester this week, (end of the long long Christmas holiday) I return to the lazy funny busy university @O@"

Originally, I've taken Chinese poetry studies, creavtive writing of novels, Comparative Literature, European studies and italian. And after a week of exploring, examing and inspecting, my final decision is to drop creative writing and add a new stuff named: Japanese Linguistic.

I found that the atmosphere among the students are all quite optimistic and lazy. We decide which couse to take by counting the workload. Final exam? BYE-BYE~ 2000-2500 paper x 3? BYE-BYE~ Tutorial lessons every week? BYE-BYE~

and then~ the final final course list will be the most relaxed, happy, easy schedule for us.

Well.... except those I really really want to major in the next year. (European Studies' exam.... no doubt that I can never escape from it)

But still.... feeling so puzzling and confused about my future. Put aside my career, I don't even know what I am going to take as a major next year.... always contradicting and confronting between interest and practical purpose. I wish I could take the double major and study Fine arts, but my mum would definitely kill me if I do so.... art is only a fantasy, castle in the air.... that's what she always murmurs besides my ears.

And I am still wondering what I can do and what I can be inside the campus.... still I cannot get a friend that I can call he/ she as a real friend. Still I haven't joined any societies as commitee members.... opportunities often pass away during my hesitation..... and all that I can do is to feel so regretful afterwards.

I am wasting my time everyday, never want to stay long within the campus.... because somehow I don't have the sense that I am belonged to this place. I seems to be a stranger and just come everyday for absorbing knowledges, and schoolwork is only my burden.... my life was divided into two parts, life of cosplay (friends, shots, preparation), and life of studying (lecture, reading and sleeping)

I wish I could have find the answers when I complete my year 1.

I don't even take any life photos except cosplay shots..... GOSH....

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