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Thursday 03rd March 2011 07:02:20 PM

Cancer Summary

You've been working hard on your career, and at times, you had to press forward in blind faith that things would eventually work to your favor. Those efforts have not been in vain, dear Cancer. This month you will start to see reward, and in coming weeks, even more will be on the way. You may want to consider developing work overseas, or with an international company based in your city, for in March, international trade or relationships will bring you untold success and quite a generous salary.
Entrepreneurial projects beckon brightly, too, but you must be careful to study all rules of your new industry before you jump in, as the opposition of Saturn to Jupiter on March 28 could bring consequences for a misguided assumption or being ignorant of certain rules. Jupiter in Aries brims with enthusiasm, but you really do need to balance it with practical knowledge and approaches, too.
If want to spread your wings and travel to a city abroad, you could not wish for a better time. With Uranus, Mercury, Mars, the Sun, and new moon, March 4, all in fellow water sign Pisces, those planets will make any travel wish you ever had possible now. Go as soon as the new moon arrives, March 4, for fun or profit, or combine both. Home responsibilities have been heavy and have required sacrifice - and will again in March's last week - but while you can travel, take your chance to do so.
Mercury will retrograde on March 30 to April 23, a time that will be fraught with delays, miscommunications, and a need to backtrack. Get all your important actions and papers signed as early as possible, leaving as much space as possible between your actions and March 30. You won't want to work too close to that date.
If you are negotiating a deal near March 19, you may run into problems finding accord. It would be far better to finish up talks March 9 or 15 - both excellent days - but no later.
In a month that will open your mind to all sorts of new possibilities, this would also be an ideal time to sign up for a university or continuing education class, or to take qualifying exams. In either case, you'll shine. The dissemination of information will also be favored, so publishing and broadcasting projects glitter, too. If you work in one of those industries, send out queries for assignment possibilities - you'll be amazed at the strong response you get.
Romance will be linked to travel - that's VERY clear. See if you can steal some time in the last week of March, after Venus enters Pisces, a fellow water sign, for a wonderful time with your sweetheart or spouse, or to meet an interesting seatmate on an airplane to a distant locale. If you simply cannot travel, and you are single, see if you can sign up for a weekend class or seminar this month - try March 5-6 or March 26-27.
Dates to Note for Cancer
Uranus' entry into your house of professional success, from March 11 to stay seven years, until 2019, is a massive event sure to change the direction and nature of your career. If being self-employed is important to you, it will be possible, but so will other positions.
The new moon March 4 will allow you to travel oversea or to generate business opportunities abroad. It's a sensational time to think global, not local.
You may be traveling very unexpectedly March 9.
There's money to be made March 10.
Expect to hear of a big surprise that could also net you cash on March 20 or 21, thanks to the conjunction of the Sun and Uranus in your house of career.
Make money from an artistic endeavor March 26.
Home or property investments will be excellent on March 14.
Great, sensational news about your career: March 15, thanks to Mercury conjunct Jupiter, a rare aspect.
A short trip or a contractual negotiation could prove to be troublesome March 19.
Publishing and broadcasting opportunities abound all month. If this is your industry, look for a new position or a new assignment!
Venus in Pisces will help your social life from March 27 to April 19.
Romance and travel are linked, but so is study and romance. March 3-5 and also 26-27 will be sweet.
Romance will be best: March 3, 4, 5, 14, 21, 22, 26, 27, 30, and 31.

Capricorn Summary

Spring is just about ready to burst forward in northern hemispheres, and fall days are around the corner in southern ones. The last thing you want to do is to stay cooped up inside. Five happy little heavenly bodies are acting like friends who are coaxing you to pack and go, and they won't abide any of your usual excuses. You have Mars (action), Mercury (travel), Uranus (spontaneity), the Sun (focus), and the new moon, giving you plenty of choices, starting March 4. Exciting!
A short trip, even to a nearby town, will be motivating and liberating, and give you the breathing room you may need to generate a new slant on current life shifts and any pending decisions. Although as a Capricorn, you are not prone to make spontaneous choices, this time, take a dart and throw it at your map - chose a city and go.
Your best weekend to be away will be March 5-6 and 26-27. You'll come home refreshed, and glad you had the time away. Most of your trips will be taken for business this month, but you can work in some romantic time too, if you like.
A longer trip may also be on your agenda too, on the full moon, March 19, but this time, you seem to be going for business. If so, you may want to have a face-to-face meeting with a client in a distant city, even possibly overseas. With a full moon cresting, your aim will be to finalize plans. With Uranus opposed to that full moon, however, finding accord may not as simple as you suppose, so travel with the attitude that you'll need to be ready for anything. It is also possible that this full moon will create transportation delays instead of problems in negotiation, so allow for plenty of time. Call ahead to confirm the appointment, for the person you plan to see may not be available at the last minute.
If you write, speak, sell, teach, do research, edit, translate, produce television, or work in any other phase of communication, your services will be in hot demand. At the start of March, if you are self-employed, grab a telephone and begin to dial for dollars - inquiries will bring sensational results.
No matter what you do for a living, March 15 will be your best day to negotiate an excellent deal, thanks to a lovely team-up of Venus and Jupiter. This will be money you earn, not win. Still, it's good to know you've got the cosmic edge on this important date that comes by only rarely. You may want to sign a contract on this day, too.
Real estate deals are beginning to interest you; start looking at options: March 9, 10, 14, and 15. (Vacation home rentals are included here!)
Mercury is due to retrograde from March 30-April 23, so deliberately wrap up all important paperwork well in advance of month's end. Mercury will retrograde in your travel and home sectors, so these are the areas that will bring the biggest delays, mix-ups, and need to redo things in your life. It would be best to wait through this period.
Romantically, travel is forming a very important theme this month, so plan a trip with your one-and-only to fan the fires of love after Venus enters your house of short distance travel, March 27 to April 19.
Dates to Note for Capricorn
It's time to travel to a nearby city. Go just after the new moon March 4, or before March 12 for best results. Most fun weekend: March 5-6.
Your sibling may be on your mind. Check in to find out news.
A long trip is due later, at the full moon, March 19, possibly overseas. This trip could have difficult elements to it, so you must prepare for anything and everything.
If your talents are connected to any phase of the communication arts (writing, speaking, producing, editing, research, and so forth) you will do exceedingly well this month. Make calls, write notes - inquire - for you will find assignments.
Mars and Pluto will be beautifully oriented and helpful to any interview, presentation, or negotiation you may need to make on March 3. You will be powerful!
Mercury will go retrograde from March 30 to April 23 and will affect your home. Don't buy expensive items or sign contracts at this time.
Sign a contract on March 15, a truly wonderful day.
Best weekends to have a romantic weekend away: March 5-6 or 26-27.
Best romantic dates: March 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 22, 25, and 26-27.



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