Cathy :: 2010.8.26-9.2 Japan
夏の旅 - 愛知、岐阜、石川縣
Canon 5D Mark II
+ Canon EF 24-105mm f4.0L IS USM
+ Canon EF 70-300mm f4.5-5.6 DO IS USM
Leica D-Lux 4
Visits: 1908 times
Last changed: Sep 10, 2010
10 items in this album
行程 (2010.8.26-9.2)
Day 1 : Hong Kong (CX536) -> Nagoya; picked up rental car Nissan Lafesta at airport; drove to Nagoya city; checked in Royal Park Inn; dinner (味噌とんかつ) at 矢場居酒屋; supper (手羽先唐揚げ) at 鶴八居酒屋。
Day 2 : breakfast (toast, ham and egg) at 咖啡館; checked out and drove to 飛騨白川郷; visited 荻町合掌村(出会い橋; 神田屋; 和田屋; 荻町城跡展望台; 天守展望台); lunch (手打そば) at そば道場;
drove to 大白川温泉; dinner (唐揚げ定食) at 雅みやび; checked in 静心庵旅館; 露天温泉風呂。
Day 3 : revisited 荻町合掌村("三間屋"); breakfast at 静心庵; checked out and drove to 金沢; visited 兼六園; lunch (刺身ちらし) at 井の弥@近江町; visited 東茶屋街 & 金沢21世紀美術館; checked in Garden Hotel;  dinner (がき) at むら井.
Day 4: Sandwich and peach breakfast in hotel; drove to 能登; visited 気多大社 & 千里浜海水浴場; drove to 飛騨古川 via extra long new tunnels; lunch (韓国冷麺) at たくみ;
 visited 白壁土蔵 & 古い町み; ate 飛騨牛串焼; drove to 高山; vistied 高山八幡宮; dinner (飛騨牛三味) at みかど; checked in Hotel 松山。
Day 5:  Breakfast (toast & milk) at IF Cafe; visited 高山陣屋 & 陣屋前朝市 (bought pears); drove to 奥飛騨; bought peaches on the way; took 新穂高ropeway to 西穂高口駅 (標高2,156m);
lunch & snack (新穂高ラーメン& 飛騨牛串焼き & コロッケ& icecream) at ropeway station; drove to 平湯温泉;  checked in 平田館; Japanese style dinner in hotel room.
Day 6: Breakfast in hotel; went to 上高地 by bus; visited 大正池; 田代池; 田代橋; weston碑; 河童橋; lunch (ハンバーグ‐&チーズ カレーライス) at 上高地温泉ホテル;
back to 平湯 by bus; drove to 下呂 via 高山; ate 飛騨牛串焼き on the way; checked in 冨岳; tried on 浴衣; dinner (懐石+飛騨牛ステーキ+しゃぶ‐しゃぶ+麦焼酎+tomato juice) in the hotel room.
Day 7: Breakfast in hotel room; checked out & visited 縄文橋; drove back to 高山; lunch (飛騨牛) at 丸明; visited 合掌造りの集落 - 飛騨の里; ate つけ麺 at まんまの子; drove back to 名古屋; dinner (蟹) at かに家; checked in Royal Park Inn.
Day 8: Breakfast at a bakery (bread+milk) near railway station; shopping; drove to airport and returned rental car; lunch (唐揚げ定食) at airport; took CX535 -> Hong Kong.
白川郷, 荻町合掌村, 神田屋
白川郷, 荻町合掌村("三間屋")
能登, 千里浜海水浴場
Album: Japan My Favorites

Changed: Sep 10, 2010.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 1023 times.
Album: Japan Day 1

Changed: Sep 14, 2010.
Contains: 8 items.
Viewed: 912 times.
Album: Japan Day 2

Changed: Sep 10, 2010.
Contains: 37 items.
Viewed: 1083 times.
Album: Japan Day 3
白川郷, 金沢

Changed: Sep 10, 2010.
Contains: 34 items.
Viewed: 837 times.
Album: Japan Day 4
能登, 高山

Changed: Sep 10, 2010.
Contains: 48 items.
Viewed: 957 times.
上高地, 大正池
高山, 飛騨の里
Day 8 breakfast : bread+milk at a bakery near Nagoya railway station
Album: Japan Day 5
高山, 新穂高, 平湯

Changed: Sep 10, 2010.
Contains: 27 items.
Viewed: 880 times.
Album: Japan Day 6
上高地, 下呂

Changed: Sep 10, 2010.
Contains: 64 items.
Viewed: 1189 times.
Album: Japan Day 7
下呂, 高山, 名古屋

Changed: Sep 10, 2010.
Contains: 35 items.
Viewed: 844 times.
Album: Japan Day 8

Changed: Sep 09, 2010.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 810 times.
Album: Photos from friends

Changed: Sep 19, 2010.
Contains: 83 items.
Viewed: 1003 times.
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