Taiwan Photo (臺灣/台灣 相片集)
Taiwan is an island in East Asia. "Taiwan" is also commonly used to refer to the territories administered by the Republic of China (ROC), a state whose effective area of administration consists of the island of Taiwan,

Taiwan (臺灣) - (亦寫作台灣),位於亞洲東部地區,西太平洋上。名稱由來很多,其中有兩種較多人採信的說法,一種是從原本的名稱「台員」轉變過來的;另一種是來自今臺灣島南部平地原住民─平埔族對居住地的稱呼。

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Taiwan (臺灣)
Taiwan (臺灣)
Taiwan (臺灣)
Taiwan (臺灣)
Taiwan (臺灣)
Taiwan (臺灣)
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