Sabah Photo (沙巴相片)
Sabah is a Malaysian state located on the northern portion of the island of Borneo. It is the second largest state in Malaysia after Sarawak, which it borders with on its south-west. It also shares a border with the province of East Kalimantan of Indonesia in the south. Sabah used to be part of the Sultanate of Sulu until Spanish colonization of the Philippines and later a British crown colony known as North Borneo, prior to partnership with Federation of Malaya, Sarawak and Singapore to form the Federation of Malaysia in 1963. Its state capital is Kota Kinabalu, formerly known as Jesselton. Sabah is known as Sabah, negeri di bawah bayu, which means 'Sabah, land below the wind', because of its location being just south of the typhoon prone region around the Philippines.

沙巴州(馬來語:Sabah),是馬來西亞的第二大州,位於東馬,在婆羅洲的北部,以前被稱為北婆羅洲(英語:North Borneo),在1881年開始被英國人統治,至到1963年9月16日和砂拉越一起脫離英國統治結合馬來亞及新加坡組成馬來西亞聯邦。
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