Korea - Seoul Photos (韓國 - 首爾相片集)
South Korea is an East Asian state on the southern half of the Korean Peninsula.

Seoul is the capital and largest city of South Korea (Republic of Korea). The city was the capital of Baekje (18 BC – 660 AD) and the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). Upon the establishment of the South Korea in 1948, Seoul became its capital and designated the nation's only Special City. Residents of Seoul are referred to as "Seoulites".
首爾(韓語:서울),正式名稱為首爾特別市(서울 특별시),是韓國的首都,舊稱漢城、漢陽等,「首爾」是韓語「서울」的漢語譯音名稱。2005年1月18日,該市市議會正式通過把其市的中文名稱定為「首爾」,並把官方的所有出版物改用新名稱,但在部份漢語地區有一些人仍沿用「漢城」這個舊稱。

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Korea - Seoul Photos (韓國 - 首爾相片集)
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