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Wednesday 12th November 2008 08:59:44 AM

Lohan says that her growing relationship with deejay Samantha Ronson is helping her stay grounded.

"She's a wonderful person and I love her very much," said Lohan.

The two have never publicly addressed the exact nature of their relationship, and the Mean Girls star resists labeling herself. Lohan said she is not a lesbian when asked point blank. When asked by Harper's Bazaar if she is bisexual, Lohan responded: "Maybe. Yeah."

"I feel like it jinxes it," she said, explaining why she is not talking about her love life. "It's hard. The second I start talking about whomever I'm seeing, a month or two later it's failed."

And will Lohan hear wedding bells in the future? "Eventually," she said. But whether that will be with a man or a woman, "I don't know."

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